python-django was updated to 1.5.10 fixing bugs and security issues:
* Prevented reverse() from generating URLs pointing to other hosts to
prevent phishing attacks. (bnc#893087, CVE-2014-0480)
* Removed O(n) algorithm when uploading duplicate file names to fix
file upload denial of service. (bnc#893088, CVE-2014-0481)
* Modified RemoteUserMiddleware to logout on REMOTE_USE change to
prevent session hijacking. (bnc#893089, CVE-2014-0482)
* Prevented data leakage in contrib.admin via query string
manipulation. (bnc#893090, CVE-2014-0483)
Security Issues:
* CVE-2014-0480
* CVE-2014-0481
* CVE-2014-0482
* CVE-2014-0483